Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Assignment 1 Site Analysis


  1. Over all I think the presentation is well put together and this would be the same type of information that I would take to planning board and public meetings for projects I have worked on
    As a side note the zoning information board was difficult to read due to pixilation I would suggest a written summary with images in-lieu of the copy pasted method.

    A couple of things I would have liked to seen in addition to the presented boards:

    1. You reference the view from the high line the addition of a panoramic of this view of a series of view would be helpful to understand the impact to the view shed. I think if any project was to be built on this site the views from the high line to the river are going to be a potential issues with the public that would be to be accounted for.

    2. I would have liked to see a composite diagram (or series) showing the impact to the site based on the zoning. What type of mass and shape can you get out of this site based on setbacks, required sky exposure, and the impact of the special zoning requirement of the High Line? This is an exercise I do for almost every project I work on.

    This point ties into my 1 point how you maintain some part of the existing view from the High Line. I think the exercise of understanding the mass and shape a building before you begin design will keep you out of trouble later in the project.

    Again I think over the presentation is well done.

  2. Hello guys,

    I agree with the last comment, the presentation is really well put together. Yu included all the information that you have to know about any plot for urban planning.

    1.I think it would be interesting if you study the area with the space syntax theories. For those that never heard about this, it is basically a "science-based, human-focused approach that investigates relationships between spatial layout and a range of social, economic and environmental phenomena".I invite you to try this different approach to the area researching about movement patterns in the public space and the kind of the population those make that movements ( age, social class, kind of movements ).

    2. You can research what the population have to say, interviewing people in the area asking them about their needs. I would like to see some drawings about the population´s needs and ideas. I think is important to involve people in urban planning, we can forget that architecture is a social responsibility.

    Finally, I just want to say that do not forget to have fun and enjoy. Try to think outside the box and dream to make this world better.

  3. Good morning from China!

    First of all, I think you made a very complete analysis, but I miss some conclusions, I miss your opinion about the discoveries you made about the site and its surroundings.

    I’m sure you now have a very clear idea about it, but you will agree with me; there are different ranges of importance in your analysis, some are much more helpful than others, and now you have all this work, you should superpose some of them and reach to conclusions.

    All this personal thoughts will become real ideas about how to intervene in this site.
    Right now is just an objective analysis which you need to add value by your own opinions and proposals.

    As Churchill and Margarita said, a panoramic image from the high line and also around your site would be very helpful and of course, you need to study the people and your own behavior on the site: their/your movement around the area, where they/you look, where they/you like to spend time or which areas they/you just go through. All this will give you many clues: interesting and comfortable areas or, otherwise places which not much interest.

    Feelings is another very interesting point you can only study by yourself: Which are your feelings when walking, seating or spending time there?
    It’s a great idea make a small survey: what does people miss in the area? What they do ore would like to do there? And how?

    You have a great data base, now its time to transform it into something personal, make it yours, your opinions, ideas feelings and finally, proposals. :)

    Have a very nice day.


  4. Hi everyone,

    At first, I should say that the presentation shows a great effort and I agree with the previous comments. However, as Margarita said above, you should follow a more scientific method for your analysis. You should have numerical data and then you can have clear results and ideas for your design process. For instance, I see on your presentations lots of "zoning" and it is not the appropriate way to have a clear data, I believe. The demonstration of circulation should not be like that; it is a dynamic data. You should use other software and plug-ins such as Rhino and Grasshopper for numerical data and results to be put into design process but first you should look at the other dynamics in the area such as socio-economic conditions, cultural values and even politics. They might be useful. For the software parts, you can study on solar irradiation analysis, wind analysis, shade-shadow analysis, space-syntax or swarm behaviours etc. For further help about software and plug-ins or process, please feel free to ask for my help. Good Luck!

  5. All comments above notwithstanding, this is a very thorough analysis. Having been through this process (with this studio) for quite a while, I can assuage some of the other comments with the promise that all that you are asking for will be answered in the next couple of assignments in the following posts.

    that said, there is a bit of a sterile quality to your information which is leading the the assertion that you are not looking at the dynamic data from in and around your site. While there are a multitude of ways to utilize software and plugins, perhaps a bit more panache in the documentation graphics would POP the data better.

  6. Great kickoff! Your info & choice of graphics is clean and crisp,Its allreally good to know. Just a few ideas:
    - Understand the prevailing winds
    - Reverse your figure ground map (black & white) your water looks odd
    - interview people in the area. singles/couples/family's/single parents/elderly. How long have they been living there and why?
    - What are the schools? +4years old Kindergardens?/Primary/Secondary/Tertiary? What's the lifecycle to people developing in the area?
    - Find out where the people go to eat, work, sleep etc what are the lifestyle adjacencies with Chelsea...the goat tracks of peoples routine
    - What social media do the people use
    - What are the 5 key words people would use to describe Chelsea

    Also when your writing for each slide don't waffle on to fill space, imagine the slide was pulled out on its own and separated from the booklet, engage with the reader.

    I look forward to your next stage of development!

  7. thank you for all of the advice it really helps us with improving our work
